CBD 101 : What is CBD?
What is CBD? Who can benefit from its properties and why?
We're breaking down the basics.
What is CBD?
CBD is the second most active component found in the plants Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.
However Hemp and it's derivative CBD, unlike marijuana, does not contain the psychoactive component in marijuana that makes you “high.”
When using CBD you cannot and will not get high or become intoxicated from use.

What Does CBD Stand For?
Cannabidiol is a natural occurring chemical compound produced by the Cannabis variants of plants. Among the cannabinoids discovered in the Cannabis plants, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) are the most well-known cannabinoids.

Why Are People Taking CBD?
Millennials: Might help maintain normal emotional stress; May help support circulation and cognitive function; Might support normal recovery from stress; May help maintain healthy joints and connective tissues
Gen X: May help maintain healthy joints and connective tissues; Might help support circulation and cognitive function; May help maintain normal emotional stress; Might supports normal recovery from stress
Baby Boomers: Might help maintain healthy joints and connective tissues; May help support circulation and cognitive function; Might help maintain normal emotional stress; May support normal recovery from stress
What is hemp?
Hemp is a plant with many kinds of benefits. It is used in construction and building materials. Industrial hemp fibers are used to make long lasting and durable fabrics. The grain from Industrial Hemp is used as a wonderful source of Protein and Omega 3, 6, 9. Components of the hemp plant can be refined to specific cannabinoids, like CBD, that can be furthered used in a direct relationship with the body's endocannabinoid system.
How it Works?
The human body is a machine with receptors in the brain that respond specifically to compounds. These receptors make up a system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Everyone has an ECS. This is how the body communicates. The ECS regulates sleep, mood, memory, stress, appetite, energy and female reproduction. CBD works by naturally improving the way these receptors communicate within the body and help regulate these daily functions of life.